We celebrated my birthday by having Bojangles fried chicken and sweet tea. I asked Dan and the kids to make me a volcano cake. The lava is made with dry ice. I thought I'd be helpful and save Dan some time by buying the dry ice a couple of days in advance. Note to self: dry ice melts and disappears within a couple of days if it is not in a freezer that is at least negative 109 degrees Fahrenheit. Christian pulled the dry ice bag out of the freezer and all that was left was some air. We all had a good laugh over it. Dan and Christian had to go out and buy some more dry ice. It delayed the cake eating for a bit, but allowed us all to digest some of our Bojangles.
We were all pleasantly surprised when the Schmidt family dropped by with William's home made Chocolate Gelato and a home made angel food cake. Let me tell you that William's Gelato is by far the best, to die for, creamy, chocolate piece of cold heaven dessert I have ever had. Lady Godiva has nothing on this rich treat. I wish I could share some with all of you. What a great birthday treat!! Thanks Schmidt family.

Happy belated birthday! Your cake looked fabulous and now I have a craving for Bojangle's, something I haven't even thought of in months!
Mmmmm...Bojangles! Happy Birthday again! Hope the gelato doesn't give you too much reflux pain! :-)
(Now, can you ask my husband to make me some gelato too?)
Love you! Susan
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