Yesterday, we had at the AWANA Olympics at Catawba Spring Cristian Church. In the morning, Miriam and the sparks played games, while Bethany, Carl, and the T&T'ers did Bible Quizzing. Miriam did quite well in the games. In speed quizzing (where there are ten question and you buzz in like Jeopardy), Carl and another girl on the team, Amanda, quizzed out (answered three speed quizzing questions correctly), while Bethany got two questions correct! In paddle qu

izzing (where you answer a multiple choice question by choosing an "A" paddle, "B" paddle, or "C" paddle), Bethany and Carl both got 10/10 (100%), while another kid, Bob, got 8/10. They quizzed in book three and won the trophy! Also, the other kids in their club won book 2 and got 2nd in book one.
In T&T game time, we won in one heat of balloon relay, and bean-bag relay. We also won the marathon (Bethany won it!) and the sprint relay. We won more but that is all that I remember.
Great job! Sounds like a lot of fun!
It was a lot of fun. Hopefully I can quiz out next year!!!
Bethany said that!
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