Well, we really can't believe it has been 16 years since we have gotten married. Enjoy these pictures from our honeymoon. We plan to go to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse tonight to celebrate. I will try to post a more modern picture once we gussy up for our big date.
It's all about commitment(lessons we learned from Tim Smith)
While looking for the pictures, I found a folder of notes and lessons from our premarital counseling. We had excellent premarital counseling from our pastor at the time, Tim Smith. I wanted to share some of the highlights that I thought were interesting and useful for anyone who is married or considering marriage.
# 1 A successful marriage is not built on Romantic love, but on commitment.
#2 Unrealistic expectations are just that--unrealistic:
Let's admit some basic facts:
(1) Nobody is going to meet your every need.
(2) Nobody is ideal.
(3) Prince Charming and Cinderella are fairy tales.
(4) A good marriage even to the right person still has problems.
Hebrews 13:4
Over 4 million Americans will get married this year. Most of them will expect to keep their commitment for a lifetime. But figures show that 2 million of them will be divorced before their 15th year of marriage.
Many are like the girl who said, " I want a good deal, I got a raw deal, now I want a new deal."
But when you say your vows to one another in just a few days, you will be making a promise to God and to each other that whether you feel at times that you got a "raw deal" you will make it a "big deal" to stay with your imperfect mate. After all, God designed marriage to last, we need marriage to last and on the day you say these vows you PROMISE THAT YOUR MARRIAGE WILL LAST.
1. Do you take-(accept each other for what we are)
2. To be your WEDDED- (weaving process, becoming one)
3. Do you PROMISE- (covenant with God)
4. In Better and in Worse
5. In Joy and in Sorrow-
6. In Sickness and in Health
7. In Prosperity and in Adversity--
8. And that Forsaking All Others-- (parents, friends....)
9. So Long as you both shall live--
10. To be a True and Devoted Husband/Wife
Hi Dan ad LJ,
Congratulations!!! We're right behind you 8/8/92. Excellent advice from Tim. We love and miss you guys. Ryan and Linn
Happy Anniversary!!! Aren't you two cute!!! Thanks for sharing the baby pictures! LOL!
Love, Susan
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