Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Happy Father's Day!!

Today is Father's Day. So we had the Grandparents come over and at about 9:30, we ate a very excellent brunch.

It consisted of some of Leslie-Jean's "breakfast casseroles." One of them was a sweet maple syrup and egg soaked bread, cooked and broiled. A.K.A. French Toast Casserole. The other was an egg and sausage casserole.

There were a lot of Father's Day cards for both dads.

We watched the Scripp's National Spelling Bee and The Princess Bride. Inconceivable!!

Our second meal of the day was a chickeny, biscuity, dirty ricey, southern sweet teay, pink lemonadey, baked beany, potato salady, chocolate bread puddingy dinner (reference to Carl's longy meal prayers). Papa also treated us to some Wendy's Frosties. A portion of the profits goes to help adoption.

We hope everyone had a great Father's Day!!

A rat made of a towel

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